Monday, September 16, 2013

#30before30 vs. #30ThingsToDoinZA

Exactly one month from tomorrow I turn 30. (Sigh)

In an effort to feel like I've really accomplished something substantial over the past 29 3/4 years, my best friend Dana inspired me to work on a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30; also known as my #30before30 list. I made this list with great vigor back in June and now that I'm 30 days away I think it's safe to say I'm in panic mode/state of disappointment with myself because I've only completed 7 of the 30 goals I set out to complete.

Not that anyone is ever where they think they are going to be when they think they are supposed to be there (does that even make sense?), but in my mind it's time to get with the program. And although I'm not ready to give up yet, I've decided I'm going to have to change some things on my list if I am going to realize any sense of accomplishment by October 17. More specifically, I'm going to need to be able to finish checking activities off of my to-do list in abroad. Cue the Lion King theme!

I should probably provide a little back story. I was recently accepted into my company's exclusive Annual Social Sabbatical program. I'm moving to Johannesburg, South Africa on October 10 for a month of service. T -3 weeks and what have I done to prepare? Well in addition to brushing up on my Afrikaans and ZA business culture, you better believe I've repacked my safari gear.

You see the other thing I should note is that I have already been to South Africa once this year (see awesome khaki outfit above) - and I would never have dreamed in a million years that I would have a chance to return to South Africa so soon, let alone 2x in one year!!
And although it's Monday, I'm really looking forward to this week. This is the week I find out what organization I'll be volunteering for, where I will be living in JoBurg, and who I will be working with. (Note: If you are someone who thrives on details and knowing what's to come, this program is not for you.)
Let's be honest friends, if I haven't done most of the activities on my list by now, the likelihood that I will finish my #30before30 list before I go is not high.

My list is as follows...
  1. Climb a mountain (and turn around) - Complete: I hiked a large hill in Aspen then I sang the song. (6/14/13)
  2. Try Wake Boarding - Complete: I fell flat on my face in Lake Geneva. God bless America. (7/4/13)
  3. Learn to drive the boat better - Complete - Many successful voyages on Lake Michigan. Only almost rear-ended the other boats parking 1x. BUT I pulled John and TheReelDB behind the boat wakeboarding on Lake Michigan! (8/31/2013)
  4. Go clubbing - Complete: Unfortunately, I have visited Studio Paris 2x in the past month.
  5. De-clutter my closet - Complete: Moving makes you do those things (8/27/13)
  6. Go on an Iconic American Roadtrip - Complete: John and I trekked to Greenbay for a Packers game. Absolutely delightful! And my purse made it through security.
  7. Pay it Forward - Complete: Community Service project in Moore, OK (7/20/13)
  8. Take a creative class of some sort
  9. Take a dance lesson
  10. Go to a state I've never been to before (I'll be swapping this out for Zambia :)
  11. Get a puppy (Can't do this if I'm going to be gone for a month - I hate being practical)
  12. Kayak the Chicago River - (Does swimming on a noodle in Lake Michigan count?)
  13. Go see my grandparents
  14. Take a Zumba class (apparently I really want to dance better)
  15. Become a regular flosser
  16. Buy an expensive handbag (Would rather go on safari again - sorry, this one's coming off!)
  17. Go camping with John (I'll be swapping this out for a cabin trip with John)
  18. Go to dance Friday on the local news. (Not sure if they still do this?)
  19. Have a plan to buy my first house
  20. Learn to throw a pizza crust
  21. Sing live band karaoke (Girls - we are doing this on a Tuesday at Bub City before I go...)
  22. Learn 15 foreign presidents (Probably going to swap this out for learning the important political figures in the ZA government instead)
  23. Submit a video to Americas Funniest Home Videos (If only I came home in time to catch the boys using the fog machine in the house this weekend)
  24. Enter a cooking contest (How about I invite people over to my apartment to bring me food and I will judge their dishes instead?)
  25. Stop sweating the small stuff (ok I know i'm not the only one here...)
  26. Start doing Tracy Anderson so I look like Dana
  27. Learn to sail better (There's always next summer)
  28. Sign up for a running race.
  29. Train for the race I signed up for.
  30. Actually run the race I signed up for. (Ditka race at soldier field? I look good in aviators.)

So I think it's time to change my mantra. Finish what I can on my current list in the next 3 weeks, and then ditch the rest and say Cheers to a new list...#30ThingsToDoinZA!

Unlike this list, I promise there will be something new checked off every day.


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